The company was a small company in a marketplace dominated by several major players. They did not have a water damage department and a small cleaning department. They did not have an identifiable company culture. Additionally, they did not have a clear vision for the future.
The company was profitable but did not standing out in an ultra-competitive marketplace. They were successful but did not know how to leverage their strengths.
The company purchased an existing water damage company and formed a very solid full service restoration business. This company developed a very strong culture that became identifiable in the marketplace. A vision statement was created that served to drive their development. Within 5 years each item on the vision statement was fulfilled and they became one of the strongest participants in this competitive environment. They grew over 1,000% in total revenue over ten years and maintained their profitability and also their company culture. This company has become recognized throughout their region as a quality place to work and also a solid reputation as a great customer service provider.